Hi Visitors!

Parts of this blog has references to internal procedures that we do at our church, but you can adapt or use the ideas for your own if you need to.

Have fun mixing and God bless!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

CD Production

Roles and Responsibilities

Supervisors will:

  • have access to the new production orders spreadsheet (Hope store order form responses)
  • coordinate cds needed and make sure HSO has relevant files available for dispatch on web store, upload if necessary
  • update sermon titles spreadsheet and hope store orders spreadsheet once orders are completed
  • keep tabs on stock on hand (at the desk) and reserve (annex) or CDs/DVDs/cases, raise requests to Roy/May to order more stock if needed.
  • quality check printed media and CDs to make sure they meet HMC standards and use the correct artwork.
I will try roster supervisors on when supervisors aren't on band/audio, but due to conflicts you may be multitasking between audio and production.

Assistants will:

  • follow instructions of supervisors if given
  • help with the printing or burning of CDs, DVDs and other printed media
  • make sure the media created meets HMC standards and use the correct artwork
  • hand over completed orders to Hope Store representative, May or Roy when not there.
Audio crew members (in training or otherwise) are automatically part of the CD production team, and must help out when needed. I will try roster you on when you are not on for other ministry or worship. Let me know if there are any clashes beforehand.
Main Article: How to burn a CD with iTunes PLACEHOLDERLINK
Main Article: How to create, edit and print CD labels with CD LabelPrint App PLACEHOLDERLINK

HMC Printed Media Standards

All required files are stored in the dropbox folder “CD COVERS”.
  • For normal single CDs we use the generic HMC cd artwork or Youthopea artwork with the “Normal” template
  • For non-official series (aka themes) and sermons that are part of a series, but purchased separately, use the “From Series” template - Eg: Sunday Nights, Youthopea etc
  • For Official series a full colour A4 cover will be printed and trimmed for the case cover, and a custom designed artwork are prepared in advanced. Use the “Normal” template and change to the correct image. To make life easier, After the first batch of series is made, there should be a saved version of the pre-made template “CD_SERIESNAME_#_SERMON NAME” in the "sermon series CD” subfolder
  • Use the series case covers that are kept in the "Cropped" folder
  • The image of the CD (CD Artwork) is at the top of the CD
  • The writing is at the bottom of the CD and centred
    • Use the official title listed in the Sermons Database in normal caps
    • The name of the speaker is in CAPS
    • Where there are multiple speakers and the text splits into two lines, both lines must be as centred as possible
    • Replace “Series Name” with the official series/theme name from sermon titles database, in italics and normal caps
Note, what is an “official series” is defined by Ps Dave announcing it as a series, and Hope Store marketing it as such. In iTunes the album name will be titled “Hope Mission Centre Sermon Series - …” or “HMC Sermon Series - …” and will have the series grouping enabled.

Current used templates:

CD HMC normal
CD HMC From Series

Youthopea Normal
Sample HMC series case cover
HMC Sermon Series Case Cover (Sample)
CD Series custom normal
HMC Sermon Series CD template (sample)